宋玉 veidge.son at 163.com
Mon Jun 9 09:56:08 PDT 2014
I am a visiting scholar of OSU and one of my friends and I are planning to learn driving a car. We don't have a car, so are looking for a person who could provide a car and take time to teach us. The fee for teaching we could provide is $20/h. our plan is to learn for 4 weeks, during Saturday and Sunday every week from next weekend (Jun 14), and 2 hours every day. so the total fee is $320. if interested, please contact me, thank you very much! My phone number is 541-602-8014, QQ number is 386610017.
(in Chinese)
我是OSU的访问学者,我与另一位朋友最近想学开车,但苦于自己没车,故发信给大家,希望大家能提供帮助。学费20刀每小时,希望能从一下周(6月14日)开始,每周的周末两天,每天练车2小时,具体练车时间可调整,计划学习四周,总学费320刀。我的电话:541-602-8014, QQ:386610017,非常感谢大家,希望能得到大家帮助,若有意请联系我,谢谢!
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